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Guter Rat (Good Council) is tasked with addressing the question of what the distribution of wealth in Austria means. Ultimately, however, it does not simply develop ideas and make recommendations - Guter Rat (Good Council) has 25 million euros at its disposal to implement concrete ideas. In this way, it provides an example of what redistribution can look like and how it can work. In order to lead this debate and make the decisions, scientific and field experts are also invited to share their expertise.

In a multi-stage process: First, FORESIGHT applied for a random sample of 10,000 addresses from the Central Register of Residents (ZMR) in summer 2023. This was approved and the sample was retrieved at the beginning of December 2023. On January 9, 2024, the invitations to Guter Rat (Good Council) were sent to these 10,000 addresses by post. Part of the registration is a short survey on personal data (place of residence, age, origin, etc.).

FORESIGHT uses statistical methods to identify 50 people from all complete responses who best reflect the composition of the Austrian population. The procedure is based on the scientific state of the art and has been used in over 50 citizen participation processes worldwide.

This is an opportunity to discuss difficult social issues. A group of people is selected at random to represent the population as accurately as possible. Age, place of residence, origin, education, etc. are taken into consideration. The topics for such citizens' councils are as diverse as they are important: democracy, climate change, regional development, abortion and much more. Such councils are also often set up at municipal level. There have already been nationwide councils in more than 20 countries, but only one in Austria - the Klimarat.

Ideally, the outcome is widely supported. In any case, all concerns and objections are heard and taken into consideration because they all share the same goal: a better result. The facilitators will use the suitable methods to achieve this. If no result is achieved that is widely supported, the money is returned to Marlene Engelhorn.

Among other things, the Council receives input on wealth distribution and redistribution. This also includes information on what kind of support makes sense and how it can be structured sustainably. On the basis of this discussion, Guter Rat (Good Council) develops ideas on how we as a society want to deal with the distribution of wealth in Austria. And on the other hand, it decides what should happen with the money, or rather, how the 25 million euros should be redistributed.

Yes, the money cannot go to groups or individuals or flow into activities that are unconstitutional, hostile or inhumane. Furthermore, redistribution does not mean investment: the money cannot go to organizations that operate for profit. Nor can the Council do anything else with the money that runs counter to the actual purpose of Guter Rat (Good Council) - i.e. redistribution. For example: founding or financing parties with the money, paying out the money to themselves or related parties. There are no other requirements. Guter Rat (Good Council) can allocate the money to organizations in Austria and internationally. Theoretically, it can also all go to a single organization. Or a temporary structure such as an NGO can be set up to redistribute the money - as long as the idea and purpose of Guter Rat (Good Council) are adhered to.

The money stems from an inheritance from Marlene Engelhorn's grandmother. Marlene Engelhorn comes from a wealthy industrialist family, the fortune resulted from the sale of the Boehringer Mannheim company in 1996/97. Marlene Engelhorn would like to have the money redistributed back to society because she believes it belongs there.

No. Marlene Engelhorn will withdraw from the project after Guter Rat (Good Council) has been set up - and thus also relinquishes any decision-making authority. Of course, she reserves the right to continue commenting on the topics of wealth distribution and redistribution, but she has no veto or similar rights regarding the results of the discussion in the Council and the 25 million euros. The Council decides.

If the state does not fulfill its task by redistributing wealth - then it is distributed unequally in society. Rich people can then decide for themselves whether and how to distribute money. A donation is an individual decision that primarily considers the needs of the donor. Donations of a certain size can also be used for manipulative purposes. Redistribution, on the other hand, is based on the idea that wealth has been distributed unequally by society to individuals - and that large fortunes cannot be created without society. Civil society is actively involved in the question: What should happen to the money? Redistribution is also about wanting to change not only the symptoms of crises as a result of unequal distribution - but also the causes of unequal distribution in the system. It is about listening to those who are directly affected by social and ecological problems. Moreover, it is about trusting them and letting them help decide what good solutions are.

NGOs already exist, so it is more sensible to support existing structures instead of setting up another organization. She wants to redistribute the money now, because it is needed now. And she believes that if she alone decides how the money should be redistributed, then once again she is exercising power that she initially should not even have. Power that only stems from the fact that she inherited the wealth.

To take part, you must be at least 16 years old and appear in the central register of residents - i.e. be registered in Austria. This is the only way to be included in the random sample. There are no other conditions; participants do not have to be Austrian citizens or speak German. They do not have to be familiar with taxes, distribution or redistribution, nor do they have to agree with Marlene Engelhorn's ideas. Guter Rat (Good Council) provides interpreters and experts, invites people regardless of their opinion and also ensures full accessibility to the meetings so that no one is excluded.

On six weekends from March to June 2024 in Salzburg.

Yes, unless they want to appear publicly and make a statement on their own accord.

Yes, all members receive a compensation of 1,200 euros per weekend. Guter Rat (Good Council) also covers all travel costs, meals, accommodation and other expenses necessary for the participation (e.g. childcare).

The person is then replaced - FORESIGHT takes care of the selection. Replacement members also keep their time free and can take the place of an absent member up to and including the third appointment. During the period in which they are not needed, the replacement members are also compensated for keeping their time free - with 240 euros per appointment.

The topic of wealth distribution affects us all. The aim of Guter Rat (Good Council) is to initiate a discussion and set up a participatory citizens' council for this purpose. In order to carry out Guter Rat (Good Council), the FORESIGHT Institute submitted a request to the Federal Ministry of the Interior to obtain address data from the Central Register of Residents (ZMR). Guter Rat (Good Council)'s concern to discuss the issue of distribution was classified as "public interest".

The FORESIGHT Institute was therefore provided with 10,000 randomly selected addresses to send out an invitation letter on behalf of Guter Rat (Good Council). The FORESIGHT Institute works together with Jaksch & Partner and is obliged to treat this data confidentially and carefully. The address data will only be used for the one-time mailing and will be deleted immediately afterwards. All information will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.

Without the consent to participate (by specifically expressing this by calling the hotline or registering online) of the person contacted, personal data will not be passed on to Guter Rat (Good Council).

The timing is purely coincidental, especially because it is never guaranteed that election dates will hold and elections will not simply be brought forward. The issue has been central for years: distributive justice is a political debate, but not necessarily a party-political one. Guter Rat (Good Council) is independent of all parties and interest groups.

They all work or conduct research on the issues that the participants address during the process. On the one hand, they are experts on wealth distribution, the effects of that distribution on politics and society and on questions of systemic change. On the other hand, they are experts on the practical aspects of redistribution - however, they do not cover specific content, but rather explain how NGOs, associations and interest groups are usually financed. This enables the Council to organise the redistribution of the 25 million euros in a reasonable way, so that society benefits the most.

The results of Guter Rat (Good Council) will be published: that the ideas the Council will develop for dealing with the distribution of wealth and what will happen with the 25 million euros. This also includes how the Council reached its decisions. There will be a written protocol, which will also be publicly accessible, including the budget.

Marlene Engelhorn is the initiator of Guter Rat (Good Council). She wants to encourage public debate on wealth distribution - and have 25 million euros redistributed. You can find out more about her motives here to read. Marlene Engelhorn will withdraw completely after the launch. A team will take over the organization of the Council.

In any case, it will already have been a success for us to have initiated the debate on wealth and distribution. Secondly, the Council will serve as an example for the impact that redistribution can have - by redistributing 25 million euros. Thirdly, the Council will also have been subject to an external scientific evaluation – From the selection process of the members to the weekends spent together to the question of how the result was achieved and the impact it had on the public.

The evaluation of the Good Council follows the model of a storytelling evaluation. The focus is on listening closely and discovering the stories, discussions and processes that arise from the preparations to the implementation and follow-up. On the one hand, this means many conversations with the team and the Council members - from long, scientific interviews to conversations over coffee and repeated silent participation and observation. In addition to this monitoring, the evaluation delves into the scientific review of the individual work steps. This ranges from the selection process to the composition of the Good Council, the work of the team, the individual moderation and training methods and the training documents provided for the Council members, right through to the actual debates and the atmosphere in which everything takes place. At the end there is a written evaluation report.

In the style of the Council, which regards community as a great value in society, this evaluation should be carried out in the form of constructive criticism and a watchful eye. In this way, we observe, analyze and - if necessary in the middle of the process - point out where things are working particularly well, what can be learned and what could be done differently.

If you have any further questions, please contact us:

Bosanksi / Hrvatski / Srpski:

"Guter Rat" je građanski savjet od 50 ljudi koji što bolje moguće predstavljaju austrijsko stanovništvo. Tih 50 ljudi trebaju pronaći ideje o tome kako želimo postupati s raspodjelom imovine u Austriji. Jer imovina je ovdje vrlo nejednako raspoređena: Najbogatijih jedan posto posjeduje polovicu cijele imovine u zemlji. Drugu polovicu deli ostalih 99 odsto ljudi. Građanski savjet treba odlučiti kako 25 milijuna eura vratiti u društvo. Taj novac potječe od vrlo bogate Marlene Engelhorn. Ona je pokrenula "Guter Rat" jer smatra da sadašnje stanje treba promeniti. Toliko bogatstva i moći ne bi trebalo biti u rukama pojedinaca. Velika bogatstva zahtijevaju demokratske odluke. Zato "Guter Rat" zasjeda od ožujka/marta do lipnja/juna 2024. Tijekom šest vikenda se raspravlja i odlučuje o podjeli imovine bez vanjskog utjecaja.

"Guter Rat" vatandaşlar kuruluşudur. "Guter Rat", Avusturya nüfusunu mümkün olduğunca iyi yansıtan 50 kişiden oluşur. Bu 50 kişi, Avusturya'daki servetin dağıtımıyla nasıl başa çıkmak istediğimizi bulmalıdır. Çünkü servet burada çok eşit dağılmış değil: en zengin yüzde, servetin yarısını elinde tutuyor. Diğer yüzde 99, diğer yarısıyla başa çıkmalıdır. Öte yandan, bu 50 kişi, topluma geri dağıtılması gereken 25 milyon Euro'nun nasıl kullanılacağına karar vermelidir. Bu servet, yani 25 milyon Euro, Marlene Engelhorn'dan gelmektedir. Çok zengin bir kadın. O, Guter Rat'ı hayata geçirdi, çünkü mevcut durumun bu şekilde devam edemeyeceğini düşünüyor. Bu kadar zenginlik ve dolayısıyla bu kadar güç, bireylerin elinde olmamalıdır. Çünkü: Büyük servetler demokratik kararlar gerektirir. "Guter Rat", Mart'tan Haziran'a kadar altı hafta sonu boyunca toplanır ve dış etkilenmeye tabi olmadan tartışır ve karar verir.

"Guter Rat" este un consiliu cetățenesc. "Guter Rat" este format din 50 de oameni care reprezintă cât mai bine posibil populația austriacă. Acești 50 de oameni ar trebui să găsească idei cu privire la modul în care dorim să abordăm distribuția averii în Austria. Deoarece averea este foarte inegal distribuită aici: unu la sută dintre cei mai bogați dețin jumătate din avere. Cei 99 la sută trebuie să împartă cealaltă jumătate. De asemenea, acești 50 de participanți ai consiliului "Guter Rat" în final o să decidă cum să fie împarțite 25 de milioane de euro înapoi la societate. Această avere, adică cele 25 de milioane de euro, provine de la Marlene Engelhorn, o foarte bogată moștenitoare. Ea a înființat consiliu "Guter Rat", avînd convingerea că lucrurile nu mai potcontinua așa ca în prezent. Atât de multă bogăție și, prin urmare, atât de multă putere nu ar trebui să fie în mâinile câtorva persoane. Pentru că: Sume mari de bani necesită decizii democrațice. "Guter Rat" se reunește în șase weekenduri din martie până în iunie 2024 la Salzburg și discută și ia decizii fără influență externă.

"Guter Rat" to rada obywatelska. "Guter Rat" składa się z 50 osób, które najlepiej odzwierciedlają austriacką ludność. Ci 50 ludzie powinni z jednej strony znaleźć pomysły, jak chcemy postępować z rozdziałem majątku w Austrii. Ponieważ bogactwo jest tutaj bardzo nierówno rozłożone: najbogatszy jeden procent posiada połowę majątku. Pozostałe 99 procent musi podzielić drugą połowę. Z drugiej strony ci 50 ludzie powinni zadecydować, w jaki sposób 25 milionów euro powinno być ponownie rozdzielone w społeczeństwie. To bogactwo, czyli 25 milionów euro, pochodzi od Marlene Engelhorn. Bardzo bogatej kobiety. Założyła "Guter Rat", ponieważ uważa, że nie może tak dalej iść. Takie bogactwo i tym samym tak duża władza nie powinny być w rękach jednostek. Ponieważ: Duże bogactwa wymagają decyzji demokratycznych. "Guter Rat" obraduje od marca do czerwca 2024 roku przez sześć weekendów i dyskutuje oraz podejmuje decyzje bez zewnętrznego wpływu.

"Guter Rat" egy polgári tanács. "Guter Rat" 50 embert foglal magában, akik a lehető legjobban tükrözik az osztrák lakosságot. Ennek az 50 embereknek egyrészt ötleteket kell találniuk arra, hogyan kezelhetnénk az osztrák vagyont. Mert itt a vagyon nagyon egyenlőtlenül oszlik meg: a leggazdagabb egy százaléké a vagyon fele. A másik 99 százaléknak meg kell osztania a másik felét. Másrészt ennek az 50 emberrnek el kell dönteniük, hogyan kellene elosztaniuk vissza a társadalomnak a 25 millió eurót. Ez a vagyon, azaz 25 millió euró, Marlene Engelhorn-tól származik. Nagyon gazdag nő. Ő hozta létre a "Guter Rat"-ot, mert úgy érzi, így, ahogy van, nem folytatható tovább. Ennyi vagyon és így ennyi hatalom nem lehet magán emberek kezében,mert a nagy vagyonok demokratikus döntéseket igényelnek. A "Guter Rat" 2024 márciusa és júniusa között hat hétvégén ülésezik, és külső befolyás nélkül tárgyal és dönt.

Українська / Ukrayins'ka:
"Guter Rat" - це громадська рада.
"Guter Rat" складається із 50 людей, які якнайкраще репрезентують австрійське населення.
Ці 50 людей повинні, з одного боку, знаходити ідеї, як михочемо вирішувати питання розподілу майна в Австрії. Оскільки майно тут дуже нерівномірно розподілене: найбагатшому одному відсотку належить половина майна. Інші 99 відсотків повинні поділити іншу половину.
З іншого боку, цих 50 людей повинні вирішити, як розподілити 25 мільйонів євро назад у суспільство.
Ці кошти, а саме 25 мільйонів євро, отримані від Marlene Engelhorn. Дуже багатої жінки. Вона створила "Guter Rat", бо вважає, що так, як є зараз, не може тривати далі. Таке велике накопичення коштів, а отже і така велика влада, не повинні знаходитися в руках окремих осіб. Тому: Великі багатства потребують демократичних рішень. "Guter Rat" засідає з березня по червень 2024 року протягом шести вікендів. Ця рада обговорює та приймає рішення без зовнішнього впливу.

"Guter Rat" je občanská rada, kterou tvoří 50 osob, které co nejlépe odrážejí strukturu rakouských obyvatel. Těchto 50 lidí by mělo jednak najít nápady na to, jak bychom měli zacházet s rozdělením majetku v Rakousku. Neboť majetek je zde velmi nerovnoměrně rozdělen: nejbohatší jedno procento vlastní polovinu majetku. Ostatních 99 procent se musí podělit o druhou polovinu. Dále by těchto 50 osob mělo rozhodnout, jak by mělo být 25 milionů eur vráceno zpět do společnosti. Tento majetek, tedy 25 milionů eur, pochází od bohaté ženy, paní Marlene Engelhorn. Založila občanské fórum "Guter Rat", protože je přesvědčna, že současný stav nemůže takto pokračovat. Tak velké bohatství a tím pádem taková moc by neměly být v rukou jednotlivců. Protože: Velká bohatství vyžadují demokratická rozhodnutí. "Guter Rat" zasedá od března do června 2024 během šesti víkendů, kdy diskutuje a následě rozhoduje bez vnějšího ovlivňování.

"Guter Rat" je občianska rada. "Guter Rat" pozostáva z 50 ľudí, ktorí čo najlepšie zrkadlia rakúskych obyvateľov. Týchto 50 ľudí by mali na jednej strane nájsť nápady, ako by sme mali zaobchádzať s rozdelením bohatstva v Rakúsku. Pretože bohatstvo je tu veľmi nerovnomerne rozdelené: Najbohatšiemu jednému percentu patrí polovica bohatstva. Ostatných 99 percent musí rozdeliť druhú polovicu. Na druhej strane týchto 50 ľudí by malo rozhodnúť, ako by sa mala vrátiť do spoločnosti suma 25 miliónov eur. Toto bohatstvo, teda 25 miliónov eur, pochádza od Marlene Engelhorn. Veľmi bohatá žena. Ona založila "Guter Rat", pretože si myslí, že to takto ďalej nemôže ísť. Takéto veľké bohatstvo a tým pádom taká veľká moc by nemali byť v rukách jednotlivcov. Pretože: Veľké bohatstvá potrebujú demokratické rozhodnutia. "Guter Rat" zasadá od marca do júna 2024 počas šiestich víkendov a diskutuje a rozhoduje bez vonkajšieho ovplyvňovania.

مجلس الخير هو مجلس المواطنين. يتكون مجلس الخير من 50 شخصًا يمثلون السكان النمساويين بأكبر قدر ممكن. فمن ناحية، ينبغي لهؤلاء الأشخاص الخمسين أن يتوصلوا إلى أفكار حول الطريقة التي نريد أن نتعامل بها مع توزيع الثروة في النمسا. لأن الثروة يتم توزيعها بشكل غير متساوي هنا: نصف الثروة تنتمي إلى أغنى نسبة. أما الـ 99 بالمئة الباقية فعليهم أن يتقاسموا النصف الآخر. ومن ناحية أخرى، ينبغي لهؤلاء الأشخاص الخمسين أن يقرروا كيفية توزيع 25 مليون يورو على المجتمعهذه الثروة، أي 25 مليون يورو، تأتي من مارلين إنجلهورن.امرأة غنية جدا. لقد أنشأت مجلس الخير لأنها تؤمن: لا يمكن أن تسير الأمور كما هي على الحال . لا ينبغي أن يكون هذا القدر الكبير من الثروة وبالتالي الكثير من السلطة في أيدي الأفراد لأن: الثروات الكبيرة تحتاج إلى قرارات ديمقراطيةسوف يلتقي أعضاء مجلس الخير في ستة عطلات نهاية الأسبوع من مارس إلى يونيو 2024 ويناقش ويقرر دون تأثيرخارجي.

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